The following sources may make for good further reading:
- 1
P. Morgan. Heat flow in the earth. In Geophysics, editor, Encyclopedia of Earth Science. Springer, 1989. doi:10.1007/0-387-30752-4_79.
- 2
C. Clauser. Radiogenic heat production of rocks. In H. K. Gupta, editor, Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, 2011. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-8702-7_74.
- 3
Alberta’s energy heritage. Retrieved from (accessed on August 30, 2023), 2023. Online Resource.
- 4
Renewable energy highlights. Retrieved from (accessed on August 30, 2023), 2022. Online Resource.
- 5
J.W. Lund. World status of geothermal use overview 1995–1999. In Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2000. Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan, 2000.
- 6
D. Budisulistyo and S. Krumdieck. Thermodynamic and economic analysis for the pre-feasibility study of a binary geothermal power plant. Energy Convers. Manag, 103:639–649, 2015.
- 7
R. Shortall, B. Davidsdottir, and G. Axelsson. Geothermal energy for sustainable development: a review of sustainability impacts and assessment frameworks. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 44:391–406, 2015.
- 8
K. Harsh and R. Sukanta. Geothermal Energy: An alternative resource for the 21st century. Elsevier Science, 2006.
- 9
Geothermal energy. Accessed: 2023-03-25.
- 10
H. K. Gupta and S. Roy. Geothermal Energy: An Alternative Resource for the 21st Century. Elsevier Science, 2006. ISBN 9780080465647. URL:
- 11
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Geothermal energy basics. 2020. URL:
- 12
Office of Energy Saver and Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Energy 101: geothermal energy. 2014. URL:
- 13
E. Jolie, S. Scott, J. Faulds, I. Chambefort, G. Axelsson, l. C. Gutiérrez-Negrín, S. Regenspurg, M. Ziegler, B. Ayling, R. Richter, and M. T. Zemedkun. Geological controls on geothermal resources for power generation. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 2:324–339, 5 2021. doi:10.1038/s43017-021-00154-y.
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S. M. Kirby, T. R. Knudsen, E. Kleber, and A. Hiscock. Utah forge: geology map and gis data. 03 2018. URL:, doi:10.15121/1452761.
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J. Tester, E. Drake, M. Driscoll, M. Golay, and W. Peters. Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options. The MIT Press, 2nd edition edition, 2012.
- 17
H. Armstead and J. Tester. Heat Mining. Chapman & Hall, 1987.
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S. Gee and M. Saar. Review: induced seismicity during geoenergy development—a hydromechanical perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2022. URL:, doi:10.1029/2021JB023141.
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J. Hodgson. An Examination of the Problem of Utilizing the Earth's Internal Heat. British Association, 1927.
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K. F. Beckers, N. Rangel-Jurado, H. Chandrasekar, A. J. Hawkins, P. M. Fulton, and J. W. Tester. Techno-economic performance of closed-loop geothermal systems for heat production and electricity generation. Geothermics, 100:102318, 3 2022. doi:10.1016/J.GEOTHERMICS.2021.102318.
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